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When your system control panel indicates your filter is full, make sure you are using a genuine SmartVent filter to protect your system and its warranty.
F7 Filter. SmartVent use high quality filters designed to capture dust, pollens & allergens with 80-90% arrestance of particles 0.4 microns and above. Only a genuine SmartVent F7 filter cartridge has optimum width to custom fit the filter frame. Replace after approx 12 months for maximum effectiveness, although your controller will tell you when your filter is full. Replacement Cartridge: Smartvent. F7 Filter
Carbon Filter. The carbon filter option is an absorbent filter that will effectively trap odours, pollutants and particulates passing through it. Replace after 6 months for maximum effectiveness. Replacement Cartridge: Smartvent. Carbon Filter
HEPA Filter. HEPA filters are 99.97% efficient in preventing the spread of airborne bacteria and viral organisms at the 0.3 micron particle size. Recommended for those with allergies or breathing ailments. Replace after 6 months for maximum effectiveness. Replacement Cartridge: Smartvent. HEPA Filter
NOTE. Carbon and HEPA filters will reduce the air flow through the system.
Instructional Videos. How To Replace Your Filter